Long Range Craft Jamboree
Thursday, December 08, 2005
  Xmas 2005: Ladies who blog

Sashiko 2005
Originally uploaded by Sponky's Modern Life.
For the ladies who blog, I have made them both two Sashiko style cushions (and they have been opened so I am safe to post). They are not strictly Sashiko - for Betty Sue (top row), I have got geometric rather than tesselations, which are more traditional. But I was going for something that looked OK, rather than necessarily traditional. And in doing the flowers (bottom right) for DJ Bebe I did not leave a pretty little empty hole in the middle as per tradition. Overall, I liked the effect - I am big on contrast as you see the overall effect rather than the multitude of small sins in the execution.

Some notes on Sashiko:

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