Long Range Craft Jamboree
Sunday, June 04, 2006
  My new toy

circle quilt sample
Originally uploaded by Sponky's Modern Life.
As you all know, I like to be organised, I like to plan, and these people have catered provided an excellent product (Electric Quilt 5) for my quilt planning requirements. The shot you see here is a picture generated in the tool for a quilt I am working on at the moment for myself. What is extremely cool about this is all the fabrics you see here are actually the real fabrics I have worked out I can going to use - scanned in, and then used on my design. I also have a version with the quilted layer over the top, but it is less easy to see fabrics in this version.

This tool has some really good feature (which I won't bore you about here) but for me, it is definately $200 well spent - has some excellent features like printable patterns and rotary cutting charts, yardage estimators etc. I think it will come in very handy for determining overall colour schemes before buying fabric.

The one problem I can see here is that the colors scanned in are not EXACTLY the same colours as the materials, so I will need to work out how to adjust to make them more accurate in future.
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